There are rumors that actress Demi Moore had plastic surgery after her latest show at Paris Fashion Week. Fans thought that the Ghost actress had plastic surgery because her face looked “different” when she opened the Fendi show on Wednesday in a beautiful off-shoulder silk suit and statement earrings.
After the catwalk show, fans were confused and asked a lot of questions on Twitter because the 58-year-old woman looked “unrecognizable” in pictures from the event.
“Demi Moore shows up in Paris not resembling Demi Moore at all,” tweeted Mike Sington.
Women like JLo, Liz Hurley, and Gwen Stefani have had tons of work done but they look great. Nothing against having work done. But don't do whatever Demi Moore has done.
— Colonel Kurtz -Controversy/Politics/ MarilynManson (@colonelkurtz99) January 28, 2021
Demi Moore 😳
December 2020 January 2021
— Madam Auntie VP Kamala Harris is THEE GOAT! (@flywithkamala) January 28, 2021
Others talked about the “drastic difference” in Demi Moore’s face by showing pictures of her from earlier years next to pictures from the Fendi event in Paris.
This is a drastic difference in the face. And I agree wholeheartedly with my previous statement in that she has cheek filler, a lip lift at the corners, and the stiffness of Botox. #DemiMoore
— Asha Flingai (@AshaFlingai) January 28, 2021
Some people on the Internet didn’t like the actor and said she “looked so much prettier just a year ago” and became a “poster child for why not to get plastic surgery.”
Demi Moore appears in Paris looking nothing like Demi Moore.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) January 28, 2021
Demi Moore did not let that work settle before she did the Fendi show. Jesus.
— Linduh Evangelista (@marcuslmorris) January 27, 2021
There have been reports about Demi Moore’s looks for a long time. The Daily Mail says she talked about the reports ten years ago after she was questioned about supposedly spending a lot of money on plastic surgery.
She told Elle magazine in 2010 that she had “something done,” but it wasn’t on her face. She also said that it bothered her that people were always talking about how she looked.
“What do you know? I might get surgery one day.
“It just irritates me that people are constantly saying how much I’ve spent on plastic surgery.”
In 2019, she talked about how to age with ease. It seems like gravity is moving in ways I don’t like. Sometimes I look in the mirror and tell myself, “You’re lying, I don’t look like that.” But the truth is that being comfortable in my skin is the best gift of all. I’m not going to trade it. Her words to InStyle were, “I’m just happy to be where I am.”
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