In the early parts of Enshrouded, you’ll meet a Carpenter who gives you a quest to complete. You have been told to look through the pillars of the Braelyn Bridge for a treasure box that the Carpenter himself left behind.
How to get to the Bridge Building Quest Chest?
At first, it can be hard to find the chest for the Bridge Construction Quest. The only real hint we get is that it’s said to be in the middle beam of the bridge. Let’s check it out by going to the bridge.

The first thing that is seen is a tower rising to the left and right of the bridge. But this is a trick. The treasure is down below in the foundation walls! So, take your glider and safely go down into the area below the bridge.
Technically, there are two pillars in the middle of the bridge. But you can find the treasure chest on the center column that is closest to your first Flame Alter. that is, the left center pillar in the picture above). At the bottom shaft, you’ll see that it has dirt and rocks on top of it. Clear the way with a tool and find the chest!

When you open the chest and take the items inside, the quest is over and you may be rewarded with dangerous weapons like the Guillotine.
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Embark on the thrilling adventure of the Enshrouded Bridge Construction Quest as you delve into the depths below the Braelyn Bridge to uncover hidden treasures. With perseverance and cunning, unlock valuable rewards and uncover the secrets of this captivating world. Join our Discord group for more exciting updates and guides! Stay tuned to our website for more updates.