Corrections Policy

At, we strive to ensure the accuracy, currency, and relevance of the information in our fact-checked news articles. To enable our readers to verify the claims, we provide links to the original sources.

If you encounter a discrepancy or an error, we encourage you to email our editors at [email protected] with the subject line “Error in fact-check dated DD/MM/YYYY,” and we will address it immediately.

We value feedback and constructive criticism from our readers and are active on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. We readily acknowledge any corrections made to our fact-checks.

Detailed Correction Process:

Silent News should include a more structured and detailed correction process. This process can outline specific steps, such as:

  • A clear timeline for correcting errors.
  • Prioritization of different types of errors (e.g., factual errors should be corrected immediately).
  • A clear communication strategy for informing readers about corrections, ensuring they are promptly and transparently notified.

Transparency Note:

  • Silent News should also consider adding a transparency note to each corrected article. This note would inform readers that a correction has been made, detailing what was corrected and why. This approach would enhance trust and credibility with the audience.
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