In the quiet town of Hannibal, Missouri, the community mourns the passing of a beloved soul, Dale Hayes. Born on November 14, 1954, and departing this world on September 5, 2023, at the age of 68, Dale’s life was a melody of music, faith, and love. In this article, we delve into the details of Dale Hayes’ obituary, celebrating the unique notes he added to the symphony of life.
Dale Hayes Obituary And Cause of Death
At 10:00 pm on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, Dale Hayes took his final bow at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Illinois. While the obituary doesn’t specify the cause of death, the focus remains on commemorating the rich tapestry of Dale’s life rather than dwelling on the circumstances of his passing.
Bio: Dale Hayes, the son of Robert and Nadine (Ingram) Hayes, graced the world with his presence on November 14, 1954. His journey through life included milestones such as graduating with the Hannibal High School Class of 1973 and pursuing a professional career as a draftsman. Dale’s skills as a draftsman spoke to his attention to detail and precision.
Dale Hayes Family and Relationships
Dale leaves behind a legacy of love survived by his son, Adam Hayes of Hannibal, Missouri. Two brothers, Terry Hayes (Sally) and David Hayes, as well as two sisters, Joyce Allen and Lisa Runyon (Calvin), mourn the loss of their beloved family member. Dale was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers – Bobby Hayes and Larry Hayes – and his sister, Darla Graham.
Dale Hayes Funeral Services
A celebration of Dale’s life will take place at the New Hope Gospel Center, 1009 Lyon St., Hannibal, at 11:00 am on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Reverend Lindell Shumake will officiate the service, and burial will follow at the Grand View Burial Park. Before the service, a visitation will be held at 9:00 am at the New Hope Gospel Center.
Dale’s Passions and Hobbies
Dale’s life was a harmonious blend of passions, including his love for Civil War reenactments. His bond with his son, Adam, was deepened through shared experiences in reenactments. A social soul, Dale thrived in the company of others. An accomplished musician, he showcased his talents by playing guitar and singing in various bands. His involvement in church activities, such as specials and worship, highlighted his dedication to his faith.
Dale’s guitar collection was a testament to his love for music, and his impact extended beyond the church walls. His love for the Lord and his son Adam was evident in every chord he played. Those who knew Dale will remember him for his infectious love of life and his contribution to the musical tapestry of the community.
As Dale Hayes takes his final rest, the community reflects on a life well-lived—a life filled with notes of music, threads of faith, and the enduring chords of love. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who were touched by his melodies and warmed by his love.
The symphony of Dale’s life may have reached its final crescendo, but the echoes of his laughter, the strumming of his guitar, and the love he shared will resonate for years to come. In celebrating Dale Hayes’ obituary, we honor not just the end of life but the everlasting impact of a soul who added beautiful melodies to the soundtrack of our existence.
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